Just for your information. We recently did a precise 1080P * 1920P screen recording video on macOS using all free tools. Please see the detailed steps in this post "Do Precise 1080P Screen Recording Video With All Free Tools on macOS" on Medium.
In response to the comment, updated with the essential part of the solution:
- Use QuickTime Player to do screen recording and clip editing;
- Use VLC Media Player to do canvas crop and scale;
Use cropadd video filter and transcode/stream (export). This is the most tricky part. If you need more details to figure it out how to do this, please refer to the above linked post.
Important Tips: 1) Use ctrl + scroll (mouse or trackpad counterpart gesture) to zoom screen to find out precise pixels to crop; 2) Deselect any “Repeat xx” option in the Playback menu when exporting video (Convert & Stream); 3) The advanced features of VLC are not that user friendly, so please be careful.
- Use FFmpeg to do video rotation transform.
Use FFmpeg to rotate video as 1920p * 1080p, so QuickTime could handle:
$ ~/Applications/ffmpeg -i 5.5inch-v1-cropped1.m4v -vf “transpose=1” 5.5inch-v1-cropped1-rotated1.m4v
and rotate it back at the end:
$ ~/Applications/ffmpeg -i 5.5inch-v1-cropped1-rotated1-edited1.mov -vf “transpose=2” 5.5inch-v1-cropped1-rotated1-edited1-final1.mov