Just installed 10.9.2 and none of the bugs listed here are fixed for me. Especially the responsive scrolling bug (that for me occurs in the Mac App Store app) and the Dock not following the mouse to move to the active monitor.
I still haven't found a solution that fixes the responsive scrolling issue.
The workaround for fixing the Dock issue is not that elegant either:
Mavericks introduced the ability to have the Dock and Menu Bar appear not just on the primary display, but on your secondary displays, as well. Unfortunately, after having lived with this functionality since release, I’ve found its implementation more frustrating than useful. With the dock set to auto-hide, it’s sometimes impossible to actually cause the dock to appear when and where you want it.
The way this most often manifests is that the Dock will decide—in what feels like a very arbitrary fashion—that it will only appear on one of the two secondary displays. When I mouse to the bottom of the primary display to summon the auto-hidden dock, nothing happens. If I mouse over to the bottom of one of the secondary displays, the dock pops up just as it’s supposed to, but returning the cursor to the bottom of the primary display does nothing. The workaround appears to be to move the mouse all the way up to the top of the primary display and then slowly and deliberately move it to the bottom—as if you’re saying "Okay, OS X, here comes the airplane! Open up the Dock now! Here it comes!" This usually is enough to snap the dock to where you want it to be.
I very much like the menu bars at the top of each monitor, but as with most of the other things about multi-monitor support in Mavericks, there’s no way to throw out the bad bathwater without also pitching the baby with it. The only way to get the Dock to stay sensibly where you want it to is to disable the new fullscreen behavior, which also kills the per-monitor menu bar settings.
Is there a way to fix the Dock issue without being forced to move the mouse to the top or bottom edges of the screen to force it to move?