I have two systems accessing a NAS (Isilon), with local user authentication. On first system (actually two systems with same OSX) running Lion (OSX10.7.5) I used following command:
dscl . -append /Groups/Testers GroupMembership joeuser
Verified his secondary membership with:
dsmemberutil checkmembership -U joeuser -G Testers
This presented "joeuser" to the cluster with access rights based on his secondary group membership and works fine.
On second machine running Mountain Lion (OSX10.8.5) I added & verified joeuser using same commands.
Cluster will not recognize "joe's" secondary membership from the Mountain Lion machine, and will not allow access to directories that were accessible from the Lion machine.
What's changed in user presentation, and how do I fix it / create a secondary membership via different (working) way on the Mountain Lion (and then Mavericks)?