I have upgraded my MBP to Mavericks and got the system to how I like etc. Tt has since backed up using Time Machine onto an external HD. Now it slipped my mind that I would like to have my e-mails on my new system from Mountain Lion.

I thought that a simple Enter Time Machine and then restoring the selected files that I need to make this happen would work, but upon entering time machine I cannot get into my ML backups on Mavericks.

Is there any way that I can get to my Mail files?

1 Answer 1


Sorted it after a long trawl through the internet. For any one else with a similar problem...

Thanks to this post by Alberto Ravasio here

Last but not least, navigate the TM disk within the Finder, (do not enter TM). When you are on the date you are looking for, navigate the directory structure until you reach the Users folder.

Open Terminal and type


and a space, drag and drop your user name folder inside the Terminal window. That completes the cd command for you. Hit return.

You are now into your user folder inside the TM disk. Type

cd Library
open .

please note the dot after open. Last command opens a Finder window of the Library folder inside TM disk.

Now you are ready to get what you need.

  • For a next Time: A Simpler way is to first export all the Mailboxes/Folders from within Mail with the Export Function before you Upgrade your System and after you can import them.
    – konqui
    Commented Jul 10, 2014 at 5:50

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