Is there any logs that would give (for example) some indication of what caused Unable to connect to X errors when trying to connect to a Wifi hotspot, with iOS 7.x?

The seeming lack of information as to the cause of many failures + error messages on this OS doesn't help technical people like myself start the troubleshooting processes anywhere logical.

1 Answer 1


I think there are two possibilites to get log information.

First sync your device with your Laptop / PC via iTunes. Then go to:


~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/<your iPhone’s name>/

Windows XP

%APPDATA%\Apple\Logs\CrashReporter\<your iPhone’s name>\

Windows Vista+

%APPDATA%\Apple\Logs\CrashReporter\MobileDevice\<your iPhone’s name>\

Second use the iPhone Configuration Tool from Apple.

  • 1
    Thanks CML. Had I known that this would involve another device, would have stated that I run Linux, and try to stay away from iTunes at all costs. Also, for others reading you helpful answer: 1) There appears to be no profile name place holders in the Windows profile paths, leading to extra `'s, 2) Personally think it is a good idea to use %appdata%` environment variable, so that both the drive and differing paths on standard/customized Windows installs aren't an issue, 3) I think that the last path will be Vista +, right? 4) Are you sure that it is "Apple computer", and not just "Apple"?
    – user66001
    Commented Dec 4, 2013 at 17:25
  • However, are you aware of WLAN connection failures in these logs, or just other ones? On another note - Interesting tool you linked to... Will have to check that out. Lastly, upon returning to this page moments ago, I saw a prompt that there was 2 answers to this question - Did you see/know anything about, the other?
    – user66001
    Commented Dec 4, 2013 at 17:26
  • I am not quite sure with the Windows paths because I haven't used Windows in a while. So the Windows paths are from memory :)
    – CML
    Commented Dec 4, 2013 at 21:18
  • I do not know how to get the crash logs via Linux. But my first attempt would be to mount the iOS device under Linux and do a search for CrashReporter or log..
    – CML
    Commented Dec 4, 2013 at 21:21
  • %appdata% edited
    – CML
    Commented Dec 4, 2013 at 21:26

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