I am not a mac power user and when ever I need to find an application or file, I open Finder and look for it. Couple of weeks ago, I saw someone using some keyboard shortcut, which opened a dialog box, where as he enters the name, the application showed the files matching the word he is searching. Is this a mac power tool or is this a different app?


2 Answers 2


Spotlight is a part of OS X. The default keyboard shortcut is, I think, Command-Space for the Spotlight menu entry and Option-Command-Space for the Spotlight field in a Finder window. (Clarified after Chris' answer.)

There is also a third party application named Quicksilver.


The default keyboard shortcut for Spotlight is Command-Space. See http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2531

  • @carsten Thanks for clarifying your answer; I had remapped Option-command-space to a different command (switching keyboard layouts), so that didn't trigger any form of Spotlight when I tried it.
    – Chris C
    Commented Nov 18, 2013 at 20:04

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