I just upgraded my Snow Leopard 10.6.8 system to Mavericks, complete with the latest software updates, and I can't get Intellipoint working with my mouse (MS Intellimouse Optical USB). Prior to the OS upgrade, I was running an older version of the Intellipoint software (sorry, not sure which version); it required running System Preferences in 32-bit mode to change settings. After updating to Mavericks, I found that the Intellipoint features no longer worked, and checking System Preferences, I could not open the Intellipoint Prefs pane.
So I downloaded and installed the latest (8.2.0 v.305) Intellipoint software for OS X. The preference pane works, but it doesn't see my mouse. The Buttons tab shows a picture of a USB device being plugged into a USB port, and the Device Info button says "No Microsoft mouse devices found".
Based on a similar question I found for Mountain Lion, I have confirmed that 'MicrosoftMouseHelper' is in my startup items and is currently running. The mouse functions, but using the standard OS X mouse settings; I prefer the way the mouse behaves when using the Intellipoint drivers and my settings within that. Any ideas for getting the Intellipoint software to recognize the mouse?