I use Snappy. That's my preferred photo app of all! So, please, keep this in mind.

Ideally I want to be able to sync to picasa and dropbox. But I wouldn't mind if it was flickr, picposterous or whatever, as long as it's really automatic and seamless, unlike this guy's solution. I've tried many apps and couldn't find a single one (apparently unlike this guy, which is the reason why I started this question).

Dropbox app like few others do let you take photos from inside the app and submit the photo. But that's not even a seamless sync - if there's no internet connection the photo won't be sent as soon as internet becomes available unless the app stays open.

Maybe a good solution would be just an app able to monitor the DCIM folder and send any new ones through e-mail as soon as it sees it. Then we could use pixelpipe, instapaper, sendtodropbox or anything! That way the iOS already handles sending e-mails exactly the way we expect - it will go through as soon as a connection is available.

For now, I'm using Picbox - it softens the whole manual process at least... But that's still not it!

2 Answers 2


I too have tried to find something to do this, with little success. Documenting what people have tried may be helpful, so here's my list:

  • Cinq -- offers to sync with iPhoto on the Mac, or to the filesystem on a Mac or PC; only works for photos taken within Cinq
  • DropPhox -- syncs with Dropbox; only works for photos taken within DropPhox
  • Eye-Fi -- syncs to local machine, and lots of online services (Picasa and Flickr but not Dropbox); free (although nags to upgrade); will sync photos that were taken with any camera app on the iPhone; requires (as far as i can see) an Eye-Fi card to set up an account and get it working

All of these have their drawbacks; would love to find the app that can upload all photos automatically.

  • I actually bought Eye-fi little more than 1 year ago and I don't know where it is and never used it! But I doubt even that would be able to sync as I described. I was hoping for a jailbroken solution. But thanks for giving a shot and reminding me of eye.fi!
    – cregox
    Commented Mar 24, 2011 at 2:50
  • 1
    You don't need to use the Eye-Fi card, all you need to do is register and then download the iPhone app. This app is the most promising of the lot for me. Commented Mar 24, 2011 at 4:19
  • I couldn't find the eyefi card and I don't think they allow anyone to register - just customers who have the card. I'm in contact with the support, but their answer isn't being much encouraging given I may have lost the card.
    – cregox
    Commented Mar 25, 2011 at 23:59
  • For now I'm using Picbox, but that's still not it...
    – cregox
    Commented Apr 16, 2011 at 20:32
  • Interesting, thanks, I'll take a look, seems like an improvement on DropPhox Commented Apr 17, 2011 at 15:07

Looks like telepathy has been proven since for sure nobody from apple read my "suggestion" here!

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