I'm trying to do a clean install of Mountain Lion but I'm not being able to format my partition.
I previously had Lion, encrypted the disk, then upgraded to Mountain Lion, then booted into recovery mode to format & reinstall Mountain Lion.
On recovery mode (Cmd+R), when I tried to format the encrypted partition I got an error saying something like "not enough space on core something". Now the partition doesn't show up on Disk Utility; only the disk, "Macintosh HD", but I am not able to repartition it.
The Mountain Lion installer doesn't find any disk to install itself on.
I cannot boot the system either (without booting to recovery).
If I open the terminal and type diskutil list
I can see that there's an Apple_CoreStorage on /dev/disk0s2, but I cannot reformat that volume ("The disk is in use by Core Storage as a Physical Volume").
How to format the disk and install Mountain Lion?