I want to use tags to search for items on my Mac. I want to assign tags to documents and items I keep in iCloud, and ideally, other items in other apps, such as Notes and Photos. I've created tags on Finder and tagged a few things to test how well it works with iCloud documents. It doesn't work well. I can't search for items that have more than one tag. For example, I have tons of items pertaining to gardening--photos, documents, websites, etc. If I am searching for evergreen native trees, I want to search within "Garden" for items tagged "tree" and "evergreen" and "native." Nothing comes up even though I have many items with these tags. The best I can get are items with one additional tag.
I use tags in Evernote and Zotero in this way. There are also third party apps that try to fill the gap, such as Tagception, but I really don't want to add a new layer. Surely Apple must have a simple system to achieve the same! I've engaged in several chats with others who struggle as I do. I don't want to use complicated boolian strings, etc.
tag:tree tag:native
works for me to find more than one tag (apart from the answer below {AND}).