I have an A1842 AppleTV 4K (one of the first versions) that I have been very satisfied with and which functions as expected. A few months back I started noticing that the edges around persons in movies were ... strangely fuzzy when moving, but was unable to identify it closer. Resetting the device back then didn't change anything, nor resolution change, display update speed or anything else.
Now I found that the Disney movie "The Three Musketeers" that I bought from iTunes store showed this very clearly (on this device, all my other Apple devices are fine) and made a clip out of it. This screenshot shows an artifact in front of Goofys face.
The whole clip is at whole clip (I do not know how to add video to questions, please edit it in if you do).
Has anyone else seen this? If yes, is it a known problem, which can be fixed?
Note: the appletv is connected directly to a 4K tv with a modern cable.
2022-07-21: Now a bit later I’ve even seen artifacts in subtitles (which are put “on top” of the decoded movie stream in the AppleTV itself) which only makes sense to me if either Dolby Vision has a compression scheme that somehow breaks or the AppleTV GPU driver has a bug.
EDIT: I ended up buying a new one (to get the Siri Remote) and used this one with an old full HD tv which doesn’t show these symptoms. So no real fix, but giving up.