I am looking for a way to apply filters (AU/VST plugins) to my microphone before using it for video conferencing.

I am able to do using Audio Hijack with my microphone as input, adding the filters and sending a new virtual audio device created using Loopback.

While this works, it's very inconvenient and not suitable for daily use. That is why I am looking for an easier way to do this, not involving multiple applications that can be run in the background.

Currently running macOS Big Sur.

  • Can't you do this using only Audio Hijack, without Loopback? Open a session & it should auto-load all the required apps too. I honestly don't know of anything better than Rogue Amoeba for anything like this. Soundsource would be simpler, but you can only add VST/AU to outputs not inputs unfortunately. List of other routing apps, untested, but I doubt any of them are as comprehensive - apple.stackexchange.com/questions/408600/…
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Dec 15, 2020 at 6:33


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