I have 32GB of memory and am downloading stuff over FTP using FileZilla. My memory usage is 31GB with 30GB of that being allocated for wired memory. Is this normal when downloading stuff over FTP?
UPDATE: after a bit more usage it looks like FileZilla was just a red herring. Kernel task is the one causing the ballooning Wired Mem usage. To be precise, here are the top three offenders and the wired memory usage.
1732608 com.nvidia.web.NVDAGP100HalWeb
6787072 com.nvidia.web.NVDAResmanWeb
8089600 com.apple.driver.AirPort.BrcmNIC
this was obtained by running
kextstat | awk 'NR==1{ printf "%10s %s\n", $5, $6; } NR!=1{ printf "%10d %s\n", $5, $6; }' | sort -n
which i found here: Why does leaked memory appear malloced to kernel_task, and why can't OS X therefore garbage collect it
here are latest screenshots from activity monitor.
why would the wifi driver be using up 8GB of wired memory? why would nvidia webdriver use up 7GB of wired memory?