On Numbers for iCloud, how do I transfer a formula result from one cell to another on a different tab, but in the same spreadsheet?

2 Answers 2


I just tested this to be sure it worked. Go to the cell you want to copy and choose "Edit > Copy" or Hold down the Command key WHILE pressing the C key. Switch to the tab and cell you want to paste into then choose "Edit > Paste Formula Results" or Hold down the Command key AND Shift key WHILE pressing the V key.

  • Thank you for the input, but the thing is that this way it doen't update the results... Commented Jan 31, 2017 at 15:14
  • what results? you need to clarify EXACTLY what is happening versus what you want to have happen. Commented Jan 31, 2017 at 17:00

There is no option to "Paste Formula Results" or "paste values" when using Numbers in iCloud via Safari,


"Paste and Match Style" pastes the values without the formula.

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