I tried resetting my login keychain on Sierra because I was seeing lots of duplicate codesigning identities when running security find-identity -v -p codesigning. It renamed my login keychain to login_renamed_1 and created a new login keychain for me.

But when I run security list-keychains there are 12 items called /<my_user>/Library/Keychains/login_renamed_1.keychain-db shown. So I tried deleting the login_renamed_1 keychain using Keychain Access, but still these keychain-db files remain.

I also tried rebooting.

How do I get rid of them?

1 Answer 1


So I discovered that you can fix it by editing the associated plist and remove the offending duplicates.

i.e. sudo vi ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.security.plist

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