I have 2 iphones and today I had an experiment; from Find my Iphone App I have turned on lost mode in one of my phones and then I've erased it. Now I see

"This iPhone has been lost. Please call me.

"1421421"(my phone number)

on its screen and its not possible to do anything with it. Couldn't find a solution after checking icloud and some search. Anybody have an idea how I can take it back?

1 Answer 1


You can use the PIN to unlock the device and connect to the internet (if needed)

Then open the find my phone app and go to that device.

Tap/select Turn Off Lost Mode

Alternatively, connect it to iTunes to complete the unlock on that device. Worst case, you have a chance to try backing it up (assuming you don't have a current backup). At that point, you can restore the device in iTunes.

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