Spaces used to show the space number in the menu bar; I would glance at it regularly to see which space I was in (1, 2, 3, etc).
How do I get Mission Control to display the current desktop in the menu bar like that?
Maybe the open source WhichSpace project can do this:
Have you ever forgotten which space is currently active on OS X (10.11+) and wanted a quick way to tell? Didn't think so... but I did!
to get workspace information. This bash command dumps the monitor information: plutil -convert json -o /dev/stdout ~/Library/Preferences/
. essentially the program looks in .SpacesDisplayConfiguration["Management Data"]["Monitors"].
Nov 19, 2018 at 22:33
I could not find any built-in feature for this, so I decided to use the backgrounds.
I found a background image that I wanted, and made 8 copies of it.
Then I wrote the numbers 1-8 on each of them, next to where the dock usually is.
Then you press ctrl+1 to make sure you're in desktop 1, right click the background, and choose the image with 1 written on it.
Then close down the system preference box (otherwise you end up changing only desktop one).
Then press ctrl+2 and do right click again.
Not allowed to post screenshot :( to show how it looks.
Found SpaceId, a solution which I prefer over WhichSpace. It has options for viewing all created spaces (not just the current one) as well as multi-monitor and full-screen support. It also fixes some visual bugs WhichSpace suffers from. Works well on MacOS 12.0.1.
I found this question because I had the same issue. Turns out, all I really wanted was to instantly know what screen I am on.
I just accidentally "discovered" the obvious: if you 4-finger swipe up, everything zooms out. Across the top, all your desktops are shown and your current desktop is highlighted! (4-finger swipe down to go back to normal).
So this quick & easy approach solves things for me! Besides requiring much less work, it's also better than making custom numbered background images because I often have windows that entirely block my background. Now, I just swipe up, then back down and, in a split second, I know exactly where I am.
Posting here just in case it helps someone else...
This problem now has a much more robust solution, thanks to Total Spaces. This app brings back the old 2D grid of spaces and shows the space number in the menu bar.
You may would like to use SketchyBar. It is really cool and popular. You can also customize it as you want.
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, setting its refreshing rate by naming the bash script "` for a 3 second interval. . . . . Extremely easy & pragmatic!