I found out that the camera is taken over, somehow, by the google talk browser plugin. I solved by doing the following. From a terminal, I issued the following command
ps uaxw |grep Firefox
It will show a list of the processes under Firefox. One of them may be something like
sbo 21173 0.0 0.1 414040 2492 ?? S 5May11 0:07.47
MacOS/plugin-container /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/googletalkbrowserplugin.plugin
-omnijar /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/omni.jar 21168
gecko-crash-server-pipe.21168 org.mozilla.machname.855559451 plugin
I wrapped the long line. I then proceeded to kill this process (the pid is the first number)
kill 21173
and the iSight started working again.