Okay, so I've found a solution using AppleScript, it's a fairly big script but it's not actually all that complicated; it simply loops through the mailboxes of every count, skipping any specified in a list, and looks for read, undeleted messages older than the specified number of days.
on run arguments
# Don't run if Mail isn't open
if application "Mail" is not running then return
set defaultExpiryDays to 45
set dryRun to true
# Standard deleted message mailboxes, used to relocate mail when "deleted"
set trashMailboxes to {"bin", "trash", "deleted messages", "deleted items"}
# These mailboxes will be ignored (messages won't be processed)
set ignoreTheseMailboxes to trashMailboxes & {"all mail", "archive", "archived", "drafts", "junk", "junk e-mail", "sent", "sent items", "sent messages", "spam"}
set numberOfArguments to number of items in arguments
if numberOfArguments is greater than 0 then
set expiryDate to item 1 of arguments
if number of arguments is greater than 1 then
set ignoreTheseMailboxes to ignoreTheseMailboxes & rest of arguments
end if
set expiryDate to defaultExpiryDays
end if
set expiryDate to (current date) - (expiryDate * days)
set countdown to 10
repeat while countdown is greater than 0
return processMail(expiryDate, ignoreTheseMailboxes, trashMailboxes, dryRun)
on error number -1712
set countdown to countdown - 1
end try
end repeat
return "Communication with Mail timed out"
end run
on processMail(expiryDate, ignoreTheseMailboxes, trashMailboxes, dryRun)
set messagesDeleted to 0
set messagesMoved to 0
set results to {}
set newline to "
tell application "Mail"
set theAccounts to every account
repeat with eachAccount in theAccounts
set accountName to name of eachAccount
set accountNameWritten to false
set accountTrashMailbox to false
set theMailboxes to every mailbox of eachAccount
repeat with eachMailbox in theMailboxes
set mailboxName to name of eachMailbox
set mailboxNameWritten to false
if ignoreTheseMailboxes does not contain mailboxName then
set theMessages to (every message of eachMailbox whose (deleted status is false) and (read status is true) and (date received is less than or equal to expiryDate))
set mailboxResults to {}
repeat with eachMessage in theMessages
if accountNameWritten is false then
set the end of mailboxResults to accountName
set accountNameWritten to true
end if
if mailboxNameWritten is false then
set the end of mailboxResults to " " & mailboxName
set mailboxNameWritten to true
end if
# Find this account's trash mailbox (if we haven't already)
if accountTrashMailbox is false then
repeat with mailboxName in trashMailboxes
set foundMailboxes to (every mailbox in eachAccount whose name is mailboxName)
if number of items in foundMailboxes is greater than 0 then
set accountTrashMailbox to first item of foundMailboxes
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if accountTrashMailbox is false then set accountTrashMailbox to missing value
end if
if accountTrashMailbox is not missing value then
set the end of mailboxResults to " Moved: " & (subject of eachMessage)
if not dryRun then move eachMessage to accountTrashMailbox
set messagesMoved to messagesMoved + 1
set the end of mailboxResults to " Deleted: " & (subject of eachMessage)
if not dryRun then delete eachMessage
set messagesDeleted to messagesDeleted + 1
end if
end try
end repeat
if number of items in mailboxResults is greater than 0 then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newline
set end of results to mailboxResults as rich text
end if
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
set messagesMatches to messagesDeleted + messagesMoved
if messagesMatches is greater than 0 then
set statistics to {}
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
if messagesDeleted is greater than 0 then
set the end of statistics to (messagesDeleted & " message(s) deleted") as text
end if
if messagesMoved is greater than 0 then
set the end of statistics to (messagesMoved & " message(s) moved") as text
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ", "
set the end of results to (statistics as text)
set the end of results to "No messages were deleted."
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newline
return results as text
end processMail
The script deletes messages by locating an account's trash folder (if it has one) and moving them, which is a very slow process if it has a lot of e-mails to move initially, however it prevents the need to rescan. It will only use the regular delete option if it can't determine the trash folder (i.e - didn't find one from the names in trashMailboxes), while this is faster it may result in messages being reprocessed if the script is run frequently (e.g - daily).
To configure the script's setting you can change defaultExpiryDays
to the number of days of e-mail to keep, everything older and read is deleted. The dryRun
setting is set initially to true
, which means the script will report matches but won't actually delete or move anything, once you're happy the script is matching the e-mails you expect it to then you can set this false
The trashMailboxes
lists the mailbox names that the script will move e-mail to if found for an account. The ignoreTheseMailboxes
list contains mailboxes that shouldn't be processed, and covers most common ones, including folders that Mail's normal mailbox behaviours should cover already.
The script can be run by anything that can trigger an AppleScript, such as iCal, in which case it will use its defaults. It can also be triggered via a shell script or launchd
using a command such as osascript /path/to/script.scpt
, which will likewise use the defaults, or you can specify additional arguments in which case the first is the number of days to keep, and any further arguments are additional mailboxes to skip, for example osascript /path/to/script.scpt 14 foo bar
will keep the last two weeks worth of read e-mails, and will skip any mailboxes named "foo" or "bar" in addition to the defaults.
If you want to automate the process with launchd
then you can create a file under ~/Library/LaunchAgents
with the extension .plist
, and contents such as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
Which will keep 45 days worth of e-mails, and will run every Sunday at 1:15pm (remember to set the path to your script under program arguments!).
Once saved the launch agent will then load either next time your shutdown/restart, or you can run launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/agent.plist
with the correct name for your plist file.
deleted status
, anyone know if setting this to true will work to delete messages?