Is there a way, like an app or a system preference, that will open applications in full screen, all the time. By full screen I mean taking up all the screen real estate. I know it doesn't match apple user interface guidelines but I have a friend for whom it would make life easier.

1 Answer 1


Currently, no. Through the Macs history (as you pointed out with the HIG), Macs have had a 'zoom' feature versus a maximize one like Windows. Many times this will make the window full screen, but not always.

With Mac OS 10.7 due out this summer, having a full screen application is one of the new features, where the application will take up everything on the screen. Since 10.7 is still under NDA, not sure if there will be a way to have the application always launch full screen or not.

  • Thanks for your answer. Do you know if there is an app that will 'fullscreenify' apps until 10.7 is public?
    – glenstorey
    Commented May 6, 2011 at 23:58
  • 1
    I found an app called megazoomer (ianhenderson.org/megazoomer.html) but have never used it. It does say it should support Snow Leopard too. 10.7 is supposed to be out this summer at some point.
    – jmlumpkin
    Commented May 7, 2011 at 3:04

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