I'll be getting my first MacBook Pro today. Late 2013 with 256GB of SSD space.
For my development activities, I'll be needing Windows 8.1 running alongside OSX. I've done some reading on both Bootcamp and Parallels regarding this. The plan is to use Bootcamp and to have ~150GB for the Windows installation and Windows programs. The rest would be for OSX plus my 50GB worth of media content that I'd preferably share between both OSs.
Question: Would it be possible for my media files residing in one partition to be accessed by the operating system on the other partition? It's clear that Parallels could do this, but I'd be needing a good enough reason to invest in a license. Also I do not mind booting in an out of OSs once in a while. What I'm not clear of, is the file system compatibility between the two operating systems.