I am building a web-portal which has to be functional and pretty on multiple platforms. One of the platforms is IOS Safari, and this is were I encountered a problem. In my code I align two floating buttons to the bottom of a div with a width and height of 100% This all works fine and my buttons show up exactly like they are supposed to on the bottom of the page. However when I click the buttons the compact view from mobile safari switches to full view and my buttons are hidden behind the bottom nav bar!
Is it normal behavior for safari mobile to show the expanded menu when the user taps in the bottom 10% of the screen? How can I avoid this?
In this gif you can see the problem on the IOS simulator:
As you can see the problem only occurs when a button is in the lower 10% of the view. This is just a normal button, My code was triple checked by several developers and it has no errors.