I have a MBP with retina display and run OS X Mavericks.
My problem: imagine I have two applications open
- a document viewer sized half-screen (filling the left side of the screen). Call this "Window A".
- an editor with two windows: one is full-screen because it contains really long lines (Window B) and the other is half-screen (filling the right side of the screen) (Window C).
I want to read the document and take notes on it in the editor, but when I give focus to half-screen-sized editor window, the document reader is hidden behind the full-screen-sized editor window.
Is there a way to make the stacking order independent of the app?
That is, when Window A is focused, I can still see Window C. When Window C is focused, Window A is behind Window B. I want to be able to view Window A and C at the same time even in Window C is receiving keyboard input.