With the news that Catalina will default to Zsh instead of Bash, I'm finding lots of results telling me about the switch, and that it may cause problems with shell scripts, but I'm not familiar enough with Zsh to know what those problems might be.

My shell scripts are really not that complicated, but I've only ever used Bash on macOS and Linux - zero experience with Zsh. Can anyone provide a simple practical comparison, or specific stumbling blocks I will need to know, so that I can start working towards being ready for the new shell when Catalina is released?

  • 38
    All this hubbub that you have been reading is much to do about nothing. The OS assigns a "default" shell when creating new users, no reason more . Bash isn't going away, and you can use that as your shell or any of the other shells currently offered.
    – fd0
    Commented Jun 8, 2019 at 12:27
  • 4
    Speaking as someone who's used both and landed on bash -- the only thing that made me really, deeply unhappy with zsh was its decision to break POSIX compliance when the standard canonicalizes admittedly-bad design decisions in ways that made it easy to get sloppy about correctness when trying to write scripts that needed to be compatible with other, strictly-POSIX-superset shells. Unfortunately, that "only thing" can be a pretty big one. Still, ksh93 isn't going away, and anyone serious about bash wouldn't use the ancient 3.x release Apple ships anyhow. Commented Jun 10, 2019 at 16:29
  • 1
    As a follow-up - installed Catalina yesterday, switched to zsh, imported bash_history and copied over some of my preferred aliases from bash_profile, nothing seems to have broken. Appreciate all of the information provided by everyone here and hopefully it helps others out as well.
    – dr.nixon
    Commented Oct 9, 2019 at 17:07
  • 1
    @CharlesDuffy: Good comment. WRT being "serious", and using bash version 3.2.57(1): Do you know if Apple uses bash for anything "important" on the system?
    – Seamus
    Commented Jan 11, 2020 at 22:05
  • If you use XQuartz to run any X11 applications but have trouble running them under zsh, you might want to check this Apple discussion about running them under bash instead. Commented Apr 4, 2022 at 14:33

4 Answers 4


First, some important things:

  1. Bash isn't going away. If you're already using bash, nothing will change for you. All that changes is that zsh will be the default login shell for new accounts, and even then, you can select bash instead.
  2. Scripts are not affected. What changes is the shell for interactive use, i.e. the shell in terminals (and also a few other things that use the login shell, such as crontabs). If you have a script in a file with execution permissions, starting with a shebang line such as #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh or #!/usr/bin/env bash, it'll keep working exactly as before.
  3. Zsh's syntax is not completely compatible with bash, but it's close. A lot of code will keep working, for example typical aliases and functions. The main differences are in interactive configuration features.

Now, assuming you're considering switching to zsh, which has been a possibility for years, here are the main differences you'll encounter. This is not an exhaustive list!

Main differences for interactive use

Configuration files: bash reads (mainly) .bashrc in non-login interactive shells (but macOS starts a login shell in terminals by default), .profile or .bash_profile in login shells, and .inputrc. Zsh reads (mainly) .zshrc (in all interactive shells) and .zprofile (in login shells). This means that none of your bash customizations will apply: you'll need to port them over. You can't just copy the files because many things will need tweaking.

Key bindings use completely different syntax. Bash uses .inputrc and the bind builtin to bind keys to readline commands. Zsh uses the bindkey builtin to bind keys to zle widgets. Most readline commands have a zsh equivalent, but it isn't always a perfect equivalence.

Speaking of key bindings, if you use Vi(m) as your in-terminal editor but not as your command line mode in the shell, you'll notice zsh defaults to vi editing mode (i.e. with command and insert modes) if EDITOR or VISUAL is set to vi or vim. bindkey -e switches to emacs mode (i.e. where you can always type directly).

Prompt: bash sets the prompt (mainly) from PS1 which contains backslash escapes. Zsh sets the prompt mainly from PS1 which contains percent escapes. Although the concepts are similar, the escape codes are completely different. The functionality of bash's PROMPT_COMMAND is available in zsh via the precmd and preexec hook functions. Zsh has more convenience mechanisms to build fancy prompts including a prompt theme mechanism.

The basic command line history mechanisms (navigation with Up/Down, search with Ctrl+R, history expansion with !! and friends, last argument recall with Alt+. or $_) work in the same way, but there are a lot of differences in the details, too many to list here. You can copy your .bash_history to .zsh_history if you haven't changed a shell option that changes the file format.

Completion: both shells default to a basic completion mode that mostly completes command and file names, and switch to a fancy mode by including bash_completion on bash or by running compinit in zsh. You'll find some commands that bash handles better and some that zsh handles better. Zsh is usually more precise, but sometimes gives up where bash does something that isn't correct but is sensible. To specify possible completions for a command, zsh has three mechanisms:

Many of bash's shopt settings have a corresponding setopt in zsh.

Zsh doesn't treat # as a comment start on the command line by default, only in scripts (including .zshrc and such). To enable interactive comments, run setopt interactive_comments.

Main differences for scripting

(and for power users on the command line of course)

In bash, $foo takes the value of foo, splits it at whitespace characters, and for each whitespace-separated part, if it contains wildcard characters and matches an existing file, replaces the pattern by the list of matches. To just get the value of foo, you need "$foo". The same applies to command substitution $(foo). In zsh, $foo is the value of foo and $(foo) is the output of foo minus its final newlines, with two exceptions. If a word becomes empty due to expanding empty unquoted variables, it's removed (e.g. a=; b=; printf "%s\n" one "$a$b" three $a$b five prints one, an empty line, three, five). The result of an unquoted command substitution is split at whitespace but the pieces don't undergo wildcard matching.

Bash arrays are indexed from 0 to (length-1). Zsh arrays are indexed from 1 to length. You can make 0-indexing the default with setopt ksh_arrays. Zsh requires fewer braces (unless ksh_arrays is enabled). For example, suppose a=(first second third "" last).

Functionality Bash syntax Idiomatic zsh syntax Expansion
First element ${a[0]} $a[1] first
Second element ${a[1]} $a[2] second
Last element ${a[${#a[@]}-1]} $a[-1] last
Length ${#a[@]} $#a 5
All the elements "${a[@]}" "${a[@]}" or "${(@)a}" first second third (empty word) last
All the non-empty elements $a first second third last

Bash has extra wildcard patterns such as @(foo|bar) to match foo or bar, which are only enabled with shopt -s extglob. In zsh, you can enable these patterns with setopt ksh_glob, but there's also a simpler-to-type native syntax such as (foo|bar), some of which requires setopt extended_glob (do put that in your .zshrc, and it's on by default in completion functions). Zsh has **/ for recursive directory traversal (as does modern bash but not the bash 3.2 that ships with macOS).

In bash, by default, if a wildcard pattern doesn't match any file, it's left unchanged. In zsh, by default, you'll get an error, which is usually the safest setting. If you want to pass a wildcard parameter to a command, use quotes. You can switch to the bash behavior with setopt no_nomatch. You can make non-matching wildcard patterns expand to an empty list instead with setopt null_glob.

In bash, the right-hand side of a pipeline runs in a subshell. In zsh, it runs in the parent shell, so you can write things like somecommand | read output.

Some nice zsh features

Here are a few nice zsh features that bash doesn't have (at least not without some serious elbow grease). Once again, this is just a selection of the ones I consider the most useful.

Glob qualifiers allow matching files based on metadata such as their time stamp, their size, etc. They also allow tweaking the output. The syntax is rather cryptic, but it's extremely convenient. Here are a few examples:

  • foo*(.): only regular files matching foo* and symbolic links to regular files, not directories and other special files.
  • foo*(*.): only executable regular files matching foo*.
  • foo*(-.): only regular files matching foo*, not symbolic links and other special files.
  • foo*(-@): only dangling symbolic links matching foo*.
  • foo*(om): the files matching foo*, sorted by last modification date, most recent first. Note that if you pass this to ls, it'll do its own sorting. This is especially useful in…
  • foo*(om[1,10]): the 10 most recent files matching foo*, most recent first.
  • foo*(Lm+1): files matching foo* whose size is at least 1MB.
  • foo*(N): same as foo*, but if this doesn't match any file, produce an empty list regardless of the setting of the null_glob option (see above).
  • *(D): match all files including dot files (except . and ..).
  • foo/bar/*(:t) (using a history modifier): the files in foo/bar, but with only the base name of the file. E.g. if there is a foo/bar/qux.txt, it's expanded as qux.txt.
  • foo/bar/*(.:r): take regular files under foo/bar and remove the extension. E.g. foo/bar/qux.txt is expanded as foo/bar/qux.
  • foo*.odt(e\''REPLY=$REPLY:r.pdf'\'): take the list of files matching foo*.odt, and replace .odt by .pdf (regardless of whether the PDF file exists).

Here are a few useful zsh-specific wildcard patterns.

  • foo*.txt~foobar*: all .txt files whose name starts with foo but not foobar.
  • image<->.jpg(n): all .jpg files whose base name is image followed by a number, e.g. image3.jpg and image22.jpg but not image-backup.jpg. The glob qualifier (n) causes the files to be listed in numerical order, i.e. image9.jpg comes before image10.jpg (you can make this the default even without -n with setopt numeric_glob_sort).

To mass-rename files, zsh provides a very convenient tool: the zmv function. Suggested for your .zshrc:

autoload zmv
alias zcp='zmv -C' zln='zmv -L'


zmv '(*).jpeg' '$1.jpg'
zmv '(*)-backup.(*)' 'backups/$1.$2'

Bash has a few ways to apply transformations when taking the value of a variable. Zsh has some of the same and many more.

Zsh has a number of little convenient features to change directories. Turn on setopt auto_cd to change to a directory when you type its name without having to type cd (bash also has this nowadays). You can use the two-argument form to cd to change to a directory whose name is close to the current directory. For example, if you're in /some/where/foo-old/deeply/nested/inside and you want to go to /some/where/foo-new/deeply/nested/inside, just type cd old new.

To assign a value to a variable, you of course write VARIABLE=VALUE. To edit the value of a variable interactively, just run vared VARIABLE.

Final advice

Zsh comes with a configuration interface that supports a few of the most common settings, including canned recipes for things like case-insensitive completion. To (re)run this interface (the first line is not needed if you're using a configuration file that was edited by zsh-newuser-install):

autoload -U zsh-newuser-install

Out of the box, with no configuration file at all, many of zsh's useful features are disabled for backward compatibility with 1990's versions. zsh-newuser-install suggests some recommended features to turn on.

There are many zsh configuration frameworks on the web (many of them are on Github). They can be a convenient way to get started with some powerful features. The flip side of the coin is they often lock you in doing things the way the author does, so sometimes they'll prevent you from doing things the way you want. Use them at your own risk.

The zsh manual has a lot of information, but it's often written in a way that's terse and hard to follow, and has few examples. Don't hesitate to search for explanations and examples online: if you only use the part of zsh that's easy to understand in the manual, you'll miss out. Two good resources are the zsh-users mailing list and Unix Stack Exchange. An extensive collection of articles on switching to zsh on the mac can be found on scriptingosx.com and a useful Ruby script to bring your command history with you, can be found on Github.

  • Now I'm wondering if the amazing ctrl-o works on zsh. Of course, it doesn't work on Mac OS on bash either, so it's not really relevant to this answer or site. I couldn't find any information on ctrl-o in zsh in a quick online search, but then again, the information on ctrl-o in bash is also universally inaccurate...
    – Jasper
    Commented Jun 9, 2019 at 15:04
  • @Jasper I didn't know bash had this. Going by the description, C-o does the same thing in zsh with the default key bindings. Commented Jun 9, 2019 at 23:18
  • 1
    I was glad to see that you included the "Some nice zsh features" section, and anxiously read it to try and understand why Apple might have made the decision to switch away from the extremely-common Bash to the much less popular Zsh. I didn't find anything at all even remotely compelling there to justify the switch. It's obviously a non-exhaustive list, but were you omitting the headline features of Zsh because they're supposed to be obvious? What am I missing here?
    – Cody Gray
    Commented Jun 9, 2019 at 23:58
  • 3
    @CodyGray I don't know and Apple isn't in the habit of justifying themselves. It may have had something to do with the fact that if the situation had been reversed, there wouldn't be a “nice bash features” section. Or it may be because the last non-GPLv3 bash is getting really old whereas zsh has a more liberal license. Commented Jun 10, 2019 at 0:06
  • 1
    My understanding was that the licensing was essentially the only reason. It's also why bash on macOS is still v3. Word on the street is that bash won't be updated and the expectation is that it will be removed, unless the end user installs it via brew or etc. My plan was to switch to zsh sooner rather than later for macOS, but sticking to bash on Debian for the moment.
    – dr.nixon
    Commented Jun 10, 2019 at 21:27

Change your shell now and test - no need to wait.

chsh -s /bin/zsh

Also, I would estimate 95% of macOS users don't use a command line and of those that do, another 95% won't have to change anything significant or at all. (I'd wager it's more like 10% of the 1% that know shells exist need to do anything other than port a couple lines in their .dot files)

Your prompt will change and if you changed your prompt on bash, the way to change it on zsh is no harder and no less documented than bash.

The newer shells would fail to ever get off the ground if they broke major items or caused a painful adaptation period. If you want a more fundamental change and really want a shell you need to think about and requires training and intention to adopt - try fish.

  • 1
    I am conflicted with fish. I use it for two years now but the incompatibility of some copy/pasted one-lines is tiring. On the other hand it is a very handy shell (the automatic suggestions without <kbd>Tab</kbd> are excellent)
    – WoJ
    Commented Jun 8, 2019 at 10:08
  • 1
    I wanted to love fish, I still want to love fish, but I have too many shell constructs from a decade in ksh to ever really leave that fold. I’ll gladly leave bash behind and fully embrace zsh now, personally.
    – bmike
    Commented Jun 8, 2019 at 14:33
  • 1
    I am thoroughly underwhelmed with fish. It is really just yet another Unix-like shell with a little bit less cruft. (It literally says "Finally, a command line shell for the 90s" on the homepage, after all.) The only new shell that I have seen in recent years that actually did bring something new to the (mainstream) table, was PowerShell, which unfortunately was confined to Windows much too long, and is still confined to .NET. There still is not that much new in PowerShell that hasn't already been done e.g. in DCL or JCL, but it has been done in a (somewhat) tasteful way. Commented Jun 8, 2019 at 14:45
  • 1
    @bmike Why not just use ksh, then? Apple ships the most current version. Myself, I punted bash long ago and see no reason to start using zsh now. Commented Jun 8, 2019 at 23:46
  • 7
    This answer doesn't describe the differences between bash and zsh at all though... and I'm not quite sure why specifying that "95% of macOS users don't use command line" is relevant for a question of a user which obviously does use bash.
    – Mavrik
    Commented Jun 9, 2019 at 9:05

My shell scripts are really not that complicated

Do your shell scripts have shebang lines (begin with #! /bin/bash or similar)? If not, you might have unintentionally been using a bash feature, where it runs scripts without a shebang using bash. Other shells, like dash or zsh, leave it up to the OS, which would usually use /bin/sh instead. /bin/sh on macOS is, and probably will remain, a copy of /bin/bash, but executing bash with the name sh causes it to have different behaviour. The specifics are the Bash manual, 6.11 Bash POSIX mode. Some points:

  1. Bash ensures that the POSIXLY_CORRECT variable is set.

This environment variable may affect the behaviour of a number of other tools, especially if you have GNU tools installed.

  1. Process substitution is not available.

Process substitution is the <(...) or >(...) syntax.

  1. The . and source builtins do not search the current directory for the filename argument if it is not found by searching PATH.

So if your script did . foo expecting it to source a file named foo in the current directory, that won't work. You should do . ./foo, instead.

As you can guess from the numbers, there are a lot of minor differences in behaviour of bash in POSIX mode. Best use a shebang if you mean to use bash for your scripts.

  • 1
    In checking it looks like the vast majority of the shell scripts I wrote or use either explicitly state /bin/bash in the shebang (very few of them) or state /bin/sh (nearly all of them), so that at least should not be an issue. Thanks.
    – dr.nixon
    Commented Jun 10, 2019 at 21:25
  • I think process substitution is available now. I also tried it on Catalina successfully. See: zsh.sourceforge.net/Intro/intro_7.html Commented Jan 27, 2020 at 19:22
  • @Siu still won't help scripts that use /bin/sh or /bin/bash in the shebang. Zsh is only the default interactive shell, it didn't replace bash everywhere
    – muru
    Commented Jan 27, 2020 at 23:43
  • @muru Ah, I understand. I did not read the answer carefully and thought that the author was talking about process substitution is not available in zsh 😅 Commented Jan 28, 2020 at 3:03

In the spirit of keeping things simple...

Can anyone provide a simple practical comparison, or specific stumbling blocks I will need to know, so that I can start working towards being ready for the new shell when Catalina is released?

If you're thinking using the new default shell consider:

  • If you want to give Zsh a whirl and feel some of the differences without changing shell settings on your machine you might try Powerline10k in a Docker container and see if it is your cup of tea.
  • If you don't need all the bells and whistles and use Bash for just basic scripts it's rather easy to set your shell as others here have explained. And if you decide you want to use features in Bash 5 it's a fairly trivial upgrade for macOS.
  • If you want to improve the portability of your scripts so they're more likely to function as expected in both shells, test them for POSIX-compliance and remove any "bashisms". I've used ShellCheck for this and it works quite well for less complicated scripts.

While no particular path is clear these three approaches should give you enough confidence to make an informed decision without over engineering the problem or solution space.

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