I recently switched from NetNewsWire to Reeder on my iPhone and iPad because a) Reeder as a “Mark as unread” button, and b) I thought NetNewsWire was marking older articles as read, and not letting me switch them back.

I soon realised that old articles were being actually marked as read because Google Reader does that after a month.

Whilst I prefer Reeder’s UI, I think it’s (currently) purely a Google Reader front-end. Are there any RSS apps that sync via some service, free or paid, other than Google Reader, and thus let me keep articles as unread for more than a month?

NetNewsWire used to sync via NewsGator, but I believe NewsGator no longer offer an RSS sync service.

  • I don't really want to defend g reader's nonsensical behavior, but I would seriously consider news article older than a month old enough to not be news anymore. If it were 1 year I'm sure every one who isn't a monk would agree with me.
    – cregox
    Commented Mar 21, 2011 at 10:52
  • @Cawas: sure, I’m not necessarily saying Google Reader’s wrong or rubbish here (it’s a free service after all), just that it doesn’t fit my usage pattern well. Just because something’s on RSS doesn’t mean it’s news though. Commented Mar 22, 2011 at 9:45
  • What I mean is that there are other ways to read news and keep updated. Have you tried, for instance, readitlater?
    – cregox
    Commented Mar 22, 2011 at 12:51
  • @Cawas: I’ve not (I’m on Instapaper), but my use case for my RSS reader is: “Show me every new thing posted on this set of websites, and let me mark it as read once I’ve read it.” I assumed readitlater, like Instapaper, doesn’t do that. Commented Mar 22, 2011 at 14:10
  • Indeed it doesn't. It looks like Instapaper is basically the same thing. And I see where your urge from doing that comes from. I've tried doing the same with RSS readers, including google's, but I could never keep on. One day was enough for late news and way too much crap. I assume if you have a good list of RSS it might work, but I decided to just reach for other means. When I want to read news, I google for them, read around anywhere. And I get some feeds on email. That's about it. So, I keep my vote up (not like I could easily remove it anyway) and my wish to you for good luck! :P
    – cregox
    Commented Mar 22, 2011 at 15:58

2 Answers 2


My last comment just gave me one idea that might solve your issue: Google's Feedburner. You can configure it to send emails from any feed. It will be little troublesome at first as it's a long manual job. Seems like it is unsupported and not really meant to be used like this. But it works perfectly!

Here are some quotes from its own help:

What triggers the email to be sent out?

FeedBurner sends subscribers a daily digest of new content from your blog, so a new post, new title, link, or change to the published date will trigger the email delivery. If you do not post anything that day, no email is sent out.

FeedBurner only keeps a change history for items currently listed in the feed. Once they “drop off the bottom” of the feed, the system forgets about them completely. If you re-introduced them later by increasing the number of items your feed contains, this will result in the newly included items being delivered via email as “new” content.

How much does this service cost and what methods of payment are accepted?

FeedBurner Email is a free service. However, we do accept voluntary payment in the form of props and general goodwill.

How do you get started?

Sign in to your FeedBurner account, select your feed, navigate to the Publicize tab and select "Email Subscriptions."


Given the absence of answers (aside from Cawas’ sterling efforts), I’m going to call this one a “no” for now. The situation might just change once iOS 5 and iCloud go live.

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