You can find many answers here:
Cut (for cut copy paste, indeed for almost all windows shortcuts that use CTRL simply use Command instead): Command+X
Move to Trash: Command+Delete
CutOpen Get Info Window: Command+XI
Open an aggregate Get Info Window for multiple files: Option+Command+I
Show Inspector: Command+Option+I
Get Summary Info: Command+Control+I
Goto Previous Folder: Command+[
Goto Next Folder: Command+]
Quicklook (Preview): Spacebar (or Command+Y)
As for this "why Apple decided not to do such obvious operations in Mac OS X?" you just need to remember that what you are used to in Windows isn't necessarily obvious, it's just what you are used to. Everything has an equivalent in OS X, you just need to learn what is different, and eventually you might even come to think that the OS X equivalents are actually more obvious than what you use now (Command+R instead of F5 for Refresh, for example...)