it clashes with other commands in some applications, for example this one I'm using right now, Firefox.
Firefox doesn't support System Preferences ▸ KBS at all...
the zoom button (that´s button 2)
In at least iTunes 10 button 2 has changedI have assigned this script to minimize. (1 = maximize, 3 = close.)
Doesn't rely on GUI scripting⌘M with FastScripts:
tell appapplication "Finder" to bounds of window of desktop
tell application (path to frontmost application as text)
set zoomedbounds of window 1 to notresult
(zoomed of window 1)end tell
on error
end try
end tell
tell app "Finder" to set dtb to boundstell ofapplication window"System ofEvents" desktop
tellto apptell (pathprocess to1 frontmostwhere applicationit asis textfrontmost)
setclick bounds(button 1 of window 1 towhere dtbsubrole is "AXZoomButton")
end tell
end try
end telltry
It doesn't work if you have multiple displays though.
Applications that support maximizing windows to fill the screen: