According to Wikipedia, Apple has not opened the FaceTime standard or the protocol although Steve Jobs said that they will open it, more here. A similar case seems to go with iMessagesiMessage. I cannot totally trust the sources so how can I contact my friends that hashave no MacApple products such as iPod touch, iPad 2, iPhone 4, iPhones 4S or MackbookMac with things such as FacetimeFaceTime or iMessagesiMessage?
Motivation for the question
I think FacetimeFaceTime and iMessagesiMessage are pretty cool innovations but before
switching to them, I want to make sure they are not just private
closed groups -- it is a bit annoying to have just discussion with
"Mac -guys" -way. I currently use Google voice but I feel Mac -style communication much easier particularly with iPad (my friend bought it to me for reading books but I am now finding the above apps quite useful).