[edit, fixed "rescued" test case that specifies -CApath
In the course of trying to help a friend with a problem with pip and ssl sites (GitHub issue here[GitHub issue here][1]), I've become confused about how the High Sierra /usr/bin/openssl finds its certificates. My "keg-only" openssl does not have any trouble with the site.
I've been scratching my head because an appropriate key resides in the Keychain utility (Determined by downloading the Mozilla cert bundle from the Curl site, finding the one cert that rescues the test case when provided via -CAfile
, and comparing its fingerprint to certs in the Keychain app. See the pip issue[the pip issue][1] for gory details).
(alice)[14:2226:06]~>>32]~>>/usr/bin/openssl s_client -connect files.pythonhosted.org:443 -CApath /private/etc/ssl | head 2>&1 < /dev/null
depth=2 C = BE, O = GlobalSign nv-sa, OU = Root CA, CN = GlobalSign Root CA
verify return:1
depth=1 C = BE, O = GlobalSign nv-sa, CN = GlobalSign CloudSSL CA - SHA256 - G3
verify error:num=20return:unable1
depth=0 toC get= localUS, issuerST certificate
verify= return:0
CertificateCalifornia, chain
L 0= s:/C=US/ST=California/L=SanSan Francisco/O=Fastly, Inc/CN=rO = "Fastly, Inc", CN = r.ssl.fastly.net
verify ireturn:/C=BE/O=GlobalSign nv-sa/CN=GlobalSign CloudSSL CA1
What's -going SHA256on? - G3
Do 1the s:/C=BE`CApath/O=GlobalSignCAfile` nv-sa/CN=GlobalSigncommands CloudSSLenable CAbehavior -that SHA256doesn't -otherwise G3occur?
I'd love i:/C=BE/O=GlobalSignto nv-sa/OU=Rootunderstand CA/CN=GlobalSignwhat's Rootgoing CAon.
Server certificateThanks!
^C[1]: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/7663
What's going on? Do the CApath/CAfile
commands enable behavior that doesn't otherwise occur?
I'd love to understand what's going on.