Changing your username is very difficult once your operating system is installed and a user is set up, because that would involve having to change the path and corresponding file permissions of your home user folder, all without creating a new home user. With that being said,
the best way is to:
- Back up your current user to an external hard drive using bootcamp or the free app called SuperDuper!
- Completely reformat (optional) and reinstall (optional) MacOS (recommended for 2nd hand Macs).
- Create a new user from MacOS.
- Import your old user files into your new user account using Migration Assistant or SuperDuper,
Then you are done.
Alternate ways:
Other options would be to log in as the root user and recursively copy your home folder to another user account using rsync (a terminal tool that maintains permissions when copying files), but I can't verify that that would even work.