One way would be to check for the existence of the files before you attempt the rename. Write a loop. Start where your default start file name would be. Run the names until find an untaken name.
It's harder than it should be to find out if a file exists or does not exist. This routine while long has worked for me. To avoid this handler, copy the code into your check loop.:
-- ------------------------------------------------------
ideas from:
use the alias way. Others ways ran into trouble eventually.
on fileExists(theFile) -- (String) as Boolean
(* "System Events" and "Finder" checking for file existance revealed problems. l*)
set debugging to false
if debugging then log " fileExists: theFile is " & theFile
set theAlias to theFile as alias
set theExistance to true
on error errMsg number n
if debugging then log " fileExists: n is " & n
-- File or folder doesn't exist.
if n is not -43 then
set commonError to "on error the errMsg is " & errMsg & " number is " & n
if debugging then log " fileExists: " & commonError
display dialog commonError giving up after 10
-- cause grief above.
error "Failure of alias." number -1
set theExistance to false
end if
end try
if debugging then log " fileExists: theExistance is " & theExistance
return theExistance
end fileExists