titleTitle is self-explenatory. I really didn't do anything special, all epubs, pdfsPDFs etc are gone. I restarted the computer, same result. I have only used it from my macbookMacBook, no iphoneiPhone, ipadiPad or anything else.
I checked the time machine at username>library>contents>com.apple.BKAgentService>data>documents>ibooks>booksusername>library>contents>com.apple.BKAgentService>data>documents>ibooks>books
and weirdly iI could only find books starting from many months ago and not sooner. At the lastFor at least the last 3-4 backups this folder was empty. Which, which is insane as iI use iBooks every day and that definitely wasn't the case until now.
I restored these books, copy and pasted them at the present time username>library>contents>com.apple.BKAgentService>data>documents>ibooks>booksusername>library>contents>com.apple.BKAgentService>data>documents>ibooks>books
folder but to no avail.
It's SOThis is so weird, please tell me it's a standard dumb thing that i unknowingly did because as we're talking about hundreds of books. Help, help help, lol i'm not joking though, this is a desperate cry for help.!
Thanks!Is there a standard dumb thing I may have unknowingly done for this to occur? What else can I try to resolve this?