That "T-Zero" that was displayed was not a change to your network.
InSince iOS 119, when you switch out of an app(without closing itdirectly from one app to another, for example by tapping a link to the multitasking screen)App Store from Safari, it will show thatthe previous app in the top left corner where your network would normally be displayed.
If you clicktap on the T-Zero up the top left it will bring you back to that app. It's there for quick multitasking, — it does not affect your network settings at all. It just covers the area where your signal would be displayed. If you close the appnavigate elsewhere (fromsuch as by going to the multitaskinghome screen), or remove the app from multitasking, your network status will be displayed in that area again.
Apps cannot change your network settings like that unless you're using a jailbroken phone.