My MacBook Pro mid-2012 has been acting up lately. A year ago I replaced the original hard drive with a Samsung SSD 850 EVO 1TB, and everything was fine. Then the SSD gotbecame corrupted, and was exchanged under warranty. Since I reinstalledinstalling the second SSD andI've installed a brand newfresh copy of the latest macOS Sierra (oneon a single 1TB partition on the main SSD), Iand have been having issues ever since.
The symptoms are:
- Random fails: whenRandom fails: When I wake it up from sleep or open the lid I find it with the "grey screen with crossed circle" (Similar to this:
- Fails to find a bootable volumeFails to find a bootable volume when rebooted (or even after a shutdown then bootand reboot) within a ~20-ish minute timeframe (boots to the folder icon with a question mark, similar to this: I have to wait and try to boot it again later. Then it boots as if nothing happened.
What I have done:
- Reset the PRAMNVRAM. ChangesResult: no significant change in behaviour
- Reset the SMC. ChangesResult: no change in behaviour
- Did the Disk Utility trick where I modifymodified the size of my partition, then set it back to onea single 1TB partition again, in order to have Disk Utility rewrite the partition map (or something). ChangesResult: now it doesn't constantly fails when I close and reopen the lid. Although it may have been the result of the next point.
- Changed the energy settings to default (I have a script I run when I setup a new computer, and it includes some non default power management settings). ChangesResult: see previous point.
- Does itthis seem like a hardware failure or a software failure to you?
- What can I could do to know forbe sure either way?
- Any ideasuggestions on how I couldcan reliably fix this?
I have several full backups of my data, so I can try virtually anything. I'm determined to find out how to fix this. Perhaps installing a stock version of macOS Sierra and not changechanging anything at all, and useusing it like this for a few days could help me figure things out in more detailsdetail?
Thanks for your help!