Timeline for Time Machine fails backup to a time capsule's attached hard disk
Current License: CC BY-SA 3.0
7 events
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Oct 13, 2011 at 16:16 | comment | added | pitosalas | I think that I have 'worked around' the problem and not really solved it. In other words, we don't understand why I was getting a second Volume (WD1-1) out of thin air nor whether the volume had actual damage. None was reported in DU so for all we know all that changed is that the external disk is now directly connected to my mac. Functionally not super different as luckily it's totally silent (which is why I originally had it in the closed with my TC) and if I wanted to share it I could do so from my mac but then my mac would have to be on all the time. Still for my particular case all is ok. | |
Oct 12, 2011 at 21:38 | comment | added | bmike♦ | This is exactly why (i would guess) Apple doesn't support this - TimeCapsule and AirPort can't Disk Utility check an external drive when it fails to get things back verified. I'm happy this all helped! Someone will surely come around again to learn what to do. Why don't you edit my answer above to read just what you ended up so people can get the complete answer in one place rather than reading down to these comments? | |
Oct 12, 2011 at 21:09 | comment | added | pitosalas | I connected directly, and did the DU - check volume and check disk image. Neither generated errors but in any event I am now doing a backup successfully to the drive, connected directly. So the conclusion might be that there was an error on the disk or that doing Time Machine backups to a hard disk connected to a Time Capsule via Wifi is not reliable... Not sure which is the case but for now I will leave it connected directly. Thanks much for your help. | |
Oct 12, 2011 at 14:22 | comment | added | bmike♦ | It might be simpler to temporarily connect the WD drive to the mac with USB to do the checking of the volume and then again the sparse disk image. Do use AirPort Utility to shut down connections to the shared drives before disconnecting. | |
Oct 12, 2011 at 13:02 | comment | added | pitosalas | DU doesn't see the WD drive because it is connected as follows: Mac Pro "Monster" -> wifi -> TCapsule -> WD and I think that DU doesn't see drives not directly connected to the Mac Pro. Thanks for your continue help, I am feeling lost, but guardedly optimistic due to your help! | |
Oct 12, 2011 at 3:13 | comment | added | bmike♦ | Excellent! This really helps, but you're not out of the woods. Can disk utility see or verify the WD drive? | |
Oct 12, 2011 at 3:06 | history | answered | pitosalas | CC BY-SA 3.0 |