Download .iso from here under "stable releases". If unsure, chose the 32bit-Version.
Put a USB stick in the slot and look into disk utility
Disk Utility for its device number (disk1, disk2, diskX, etc). This can be found by clicking the icon "Info".
Open up a `terminal``shell
Unmount the stick in terminal (nowhere else) with sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskX
Make sure you dontdon't dd
to a wrong disk, e.g. your working HDD!
- Copy the dowloadeddownloaded file with
sudo dd BS=1m if=file.iso of=/dev/rdiskX
We use the r
r for raw
raw in of=/dev/rdiskX
to make the copy faster.
sudo gdisk -l /dev/diskX
will show this (aborting the question is possible with ctrl&c
OS X will show a dialog to initialise
Initialise..., ignore
Ignore or unmount
Unmount the USB stick when it is put into the slot. Clicking Ignore
Ignore is safe. I put the germanGerman screenshot in, I think it's pretty clear.
When booting the Mac now press alt
alt and there should be an option to boot to that is called EFI boot
. This will bring up GpartedGParted Live.