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I'm learning coding on OS X, as I'm a beginner, I have to read cheat sheets and I have bunch of files like that, Git commands, Ubuntu Server commands, Node.js modules command and so on.

Today I saw my friend using Cloud9, it's Cloud IDE, it has a small area called "Commands" where he can search and read tiny description about it, also keyboard shortcut.

I know that feature is so specific to Cloud9, but do we have similar functionality in some app on OS X, where I can create and store my usually cheatsheets? I don't need 100% exactly the same, just same same is ok.

enter image description here

Update: I'm going to write my own app, I will let you know if I can archive anything. enter image description here

I'm learning coding on OS X, as I'm a beginner, I have to read cheat sheets and I have bunch of files like that, Git commands, Ubuntu Server commands, Node.js modules command and so on.

Today I saw my friend using Cloud9, it's Cloud IDE, it has a small area called "Commands" where he can search and read tiny description about it, also keyboard shortcut.

I know that feature is so specific to Cloud9, but do we have similar functionality in some app on OS X, where I can create and store my usually cheatsheets? I don't need 100% exactly the same, just same same is ok.

enter image description here

I'm learning coding on OS X, as I'm a beginner, I have to read cheat sheets and I have bunch of files like that, Git commands, Ubuntu Server commands, Node.js modules command and so on.

Today I saw my friend using Cloud9, it's Cloud IDE, it has a small area called "Commands" where he can search and read tiny description about it, also keyboard shortcut.

I know that feature is so specific to Cloud9, but do we have similar functionality in some app on OS X, where I can create and store my usually cheatsheets? I don't need 100% exactly the same, just same same is ok.

enter image description here

Update: I'm going to write my own app, I will let you know if I can archive anything. enter image description here

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Do we Does OS X or Xcode have applicationapplications to manage cheatsheetcheat sheet/commands list?

I'm learning coding on Mac OS X, as I'm a beginner, I have to read cheatsheetcheat sheets and I have bunch of files like that, gitGit commands, ubuntu server commandUbuntu Server commands, nodejsNode.js modules command and so on.

Today I saw my friend using cloud9Cloud9, it's cloudCloud IDE, it has a small area called "Commands" where he can search and read tiny description about it, also keyboard shortcut.

I know that feature is so specific to cloud9Cloud9, but do we have similar functionality in some app on Mac OS X, where I can create and store my usually cheatsheets? I don't need 100% exactly the same, just same same is ok.


enter image description hereenter image description here

Do we have application to manage cheatsheet/commands list?

I'm learning coding on Mac OS X, as I'm a beginner, I have to read cheatsheet and I have bunch of files like that, git commands, ubuntu server command, nodejs modules command and so on.

Today I saw my friend using cloud9, it's cloud IDE, it has a small area called "Commands" where he can search and read tiny description about it, also keyboard shortcut.

I know that feature is so specific to cloud9, but do we have similar functionality in some app on Mac OS X, where I can create and store my usually cheatsheets? I don't need 100% exactly the same, just same same is ok.


enter image description here

Does OS X or Xcode have applications to manage cheat sheet/commands list?

I'm learning coding on OS X, as I'm a beginner, I have to read cheat sheets and I have bunch of files like that, Git commands, Ubuntu Server commands, Node.js modules command and so on.

Today I saw my friend using Cloud9, it's Cloud IDE, it has a small area called "Commands" where he can search and read tiny description about it, also keyboard shortcut.

I know that feature is so specific to Cloud9, but do we have similar functionality in some app on OS X, where I can create and store my usually cheatsheets? I don't need 100% exactly the same, just same same is ok.

enter image description here

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Do we have application to manage cheatsheet/commands list?

I'm learning coding on Mac OS X, as I'm a beginner, I have to read cheatsheet and I have bunch of files like that, git commands, ubuntu server command, nodejs modules command and so on.

Today I saw my friend using cloud9, it's cloud IDE, it has a small area called "Commands" where he can search and read tiny description about it, also keyboard shortcut.

I know that feature is so specific to cloud9, but do we have similar functionality in some app on Mac OS X, where I can create and store my usually cheatsheets? I don't need 100% exactly the same, just same same is ok.


enter image description here