uYou can use pacifistPacifist to reinstall fontbookFont Book in u ystemyour system. itIt will ask uyou if uyou want to replace it. u nedYou will need an image of u osyour OS in an accesle packsaccessible pack. dont
Don't know if uyou can {rm}'rm' the foldersfolder's content. neverNever tried... but, but fonts must be installed in the user's location and not on systemin the System folder. i
I think with {setenv}'setenv' we can link link external folders with custom organized fonts to system/pathespaths. im
I'm working around because for years iI used amount ofmany fonts and trytried to reorganize thisthem with a minimal system set and no third party-party apps like fontexplorerFontExplorer or others. setenv..symlinks..if others around have some ideas on that theyre are welcome to open a discussion on this or link to..hope it helps.