I'm having issues with a simple part of script, where I wanna get the property dock preferences
of System Events. I have the following:
tell application "System Events"
tell appearance preferences
set ap_prefs to (get the properties)
set ap_prefs to the properties
end tell
set a_pref to the properties of appearance preferences
tell dock preferences
set d_prefs to (get the properties)
end tell
set d_pref to the properties of dock preferences
end tell
In the code above I access appearance preferences
in all the ways shown above, but not dock preferences
. It give an error error "System Events got an error: AppleEvent handler failed." number -10000
So what is going on, and why is only giving error with dock? HereHere @dj_bazzie_wazzie says:
Error -10000…most of the time it is not a target error but an incomplete command or wrong usage of brackets.
But I can't figure out what is the proper way. I've tried all I can think of, also why doesn't it throw the exception for appearance preferences
I've also opened this questionquestion on Stack Overflow, I'll close one when I get a answer.