I accidentally wrote over main hard drive with an img file using dd.
This thread is the similarsimilar but my case is that I accidentally wrote my main hard drive.
I have a late 2013 MBP 13" Retina 256GB SSD 8GB RAM running Yosemite so I don't have a DVD drive. Due to the incident my OS won't boot at all.
I'm kinda worried about my old photos and movies of my fiance stored on my Hard Drive which is not yet backed up on an external drive.
I converted a 900+MB xubuntu.iso to an img and used dd command to write it out to a flash disk, but accidentally type disk1 instead of disk2. I just noticed it after the dd was executed already
# command used in mac terminal
sudo dd if=/path/to/xubuntu.img of=/dev/rdisk1 bs=1m
EDIT: I also tried single user mode but it throws in error because the OS was already overwritten :(
EDIT2: Corrected Laptop Model and added specs