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Yes. While editing the forumlaformula you can use the ⌃ controlControl+⌥ optionOption keys with the arrow key's to move around and you can select multiple cells using shift⇧ Shift as per normal.
Yes. While editing the forumla you can use the ⌃ control+⌥ option keys with the arrow key's to move around and you can select multiple cells using shift as per normal.
Yes. While editing the formula you can use the ⌃ Control⌥ Option keys with the arrow key's to move around and you can select multiple cells using ⇧ Shift as per normal.
Yes. While editing the forumla you can use the + ⌃ control+⌥ option keys with the arrow key's to move around and you can select multiple cells using shiftshift as per normal.
Yes. While editing the forumla you can use the + keys with the arrow key's to move around and you can select multiple cells using shift as per normal.
Yes. While editing the forumla you can use the ⌃ control+⌥ option keys with the arrow key's to move around and you can select multiple cells using shift as per normal.