This blog post provides a solutionscript to solve this exact problem.
# ssh into a machine and automatically set the background
# color of Mac OS X Terminal depending on the hostname.
# Installation:
# 1. Save this script to /some/bin/ssh-host-color
# 2. chmod 755 /some/bin/ssh-host-color
# 3. alias ssh=/some/bin/ssh-host-color
# 4. Configure your host colors below.
set_term_bgcolor() {
local R=$1
local G=$2
local B=$3
/usr/bin/osascript <<EOF
tell application "Terminal"
tell window 0
set the background color to {$(($R*65535/255)), $(($G*65535/255)), $(($B*65535/255))}
end tell
end tell
# Host-specific background colors.
if [[ "$@" =~ ]]; then
set_term_bgcolor 127 0 0
elif [[ "$@" =~ ]]; then
set_term_bgcolor 0 127 0
ssh $@
# Default background color.
set_term_bgcolor 34 79 188