EDIT: Here's an output of the top command. Same story. All % CPU under System is unnaccounted for in top, as well as in activity monitor. I have 12 physical cores (24 with hyper threading) on the machine, so 8 forked R processes each taking 100% cpu only accounts for 33% of CPU (what's under User).
Processes: 202 total, 10 running, 9 stuck, 183 sleeping, 845 threads 16:40:46
Load Avg: 16.81, 14.89, 11.47 CPU usage: 32.97% user, 35.27% sys, 31.74% idle SharedLibs: 10M resident, 3332K data, 0B linkedit. MemRegions: 74215 total, 8797M resident, 35M private, 14G shared.
PhysMem: 45G used (5360M wired), 12G unused. VM: 770G vsize, 1043M framework vsize, 905949(0) swapins, 1927120(0) swapouts. Networks: packets: 786361/1025M in, 669041/904M out. Disks: 1780468/188G read, 1536871/30G written.
27694 R 101.5 07:26.65 1/1 0 7 3055+ 7116M+ 812M+ 0B 0B 822M+ 22G+ 10309 15033 running 502 2429348+ 138079+ 36 16 11676+ 11415+ 29506+ 0 23M+ 231K+
27693 R 101.1 07:26.79 1/1 0 7 2917+ 7049M+ 751M+ 0B 0B 763M+ 21G+ 10309 15033 running 502 2326962+ 136821+ 34 14 11259+ 10022+ 23910+ 0 23M+ 201K+
27692 R 101.0 07:26.73 1/1 0 7 2850- 7132M- 781M- 0B 0B 797M- 21G- 10309 15033 running 502 2404303+ 141462+ 35 15 11751+ 11105+ 27449+ 0 23M- 182K-
27691 R 100.8 07:26.77 1/1 0 7 3310+ 7291M+ 957M+ 0B 0B 977M+ 22G+ 10309 15033 running 502 2374283+ 139669+ 34 15 11202+ 10358+ 25394+ 0 23M+ 284K+
27689 R 100.8 07:26.70 1/1 0 7 3155+ 7195M+ 881M+ 0B 0B 892M+ 22G+ 10309 15033 running 502 2449497+ 139793+ 37+ 17+ 11943+ 11515+ 29045+ 0 23M+ 251K+
27695 R 100.5 07:26.70 1/1 0 7 3401+ 7320M+ 988M+ 0B 0B 1007M+ 22G+ 10309 15033 running 502 2472322+ 144544+ 42 17 13105+ 11710+ 29017+ 0 23M+ 304K+
27690 R 100.1 07:26.71 1/1 0 7 3052+ 7261M+ 893M+ 0B 0B 913M+ 22G+ 10309 15033 running 502 2432181+ 140952+ 36 16 12080+ 11257+ 27092 0 23M+ 229K+
27688 R 99.5 07:26.66 1/1 0 7 3307+ 7366M+ 1013M+ 0B 0B 1036M+ 22G+ 10309 15033 running 502 2482511+ 139454+ 36 16 11331+ 11598+ 29773+ 0 23M+ 289K+
27720 top 20.2 00:15.51 1/1 0 22 74+ 3808K+ 3576K+ 0B 0B 207M+ 2566M+ 27720 470 running 0 83438+ 111 9267209+ 4633523+ 36139+ 4744288+ 1870+ 12 329K+ 138K+
133 WindowServer 3.7 24:37.23 4 0 435 2734 41M- 46M 51M+ 57M 479M 4043M 133 1 sleeping 88 1106029 3616 71798681+ 33280535+ 293955 47953977+ 13597819+ 2379 10M- 44M+
327 Terminal 2.3 27:26.62 8 1 198 1578 96M 90M 0B 271M 1805M 4258M 327 265 sleeping 502 3826356 17691 7388415+ 181612 42406285+ 15097554+ 9358587+ 2176 10M 57M+
26685 R 1.9 14:22.11 3 0 45 2434 35M 35M 0B 4682M 4988M 7395M 26685 472 sleeping 502 44308891 75552 1177048+ 1055 12394750+ 9626458+ 3543849+ 0 28M 16M