I love using Twidget. It let's you get to full Twitter access. Download here : http://www.gettwidget.com
Displays 20 most recent public or friends timeline Auto-refreshes timeline display Easily show/hide timeline display One-click refresh of timeline Links to reply and Direct Message Twitter contacts Link to mark tweets as "Favourite" Recognizes replies and auto-links them to follow conversations Shows your last tweet regardless of how it was updated (ie: mobile, txt, etc.) Auto-notification of new versions of Twidget
Planned Features
Growl Notifications:Twidget will allow you to specify whether or not to notify you of tweets via Growl.
@Reply Highlight:Twidget will highlight tweets sent to you via @ replies.
Short URLs:Twidget will allow you to shorten lengthy URLs when sending status updates.
Resizable Widget:Twidget will support resizing of its main window.
Multiple Languages:Twidget will offer localized language support. If you'd like to translate Twidget into your language, please contact me: [email protected]
Direct Message Display:Twidget will display direct messages sent to you.
Audible Notifications:Twidget will allow you to specify whether or not to notify you of tweets through sounds.