Questions tagged [bash]

The Unix shell formerly used by Terminal in macOS until 10.15

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what is DELUXE-USR-LOCAL-BIN-INSERT in ~/.profile file?

My .profile file includes the following obscure lines. What are they for? ## # DELUXE-USR-LOCAL-BIN-INSERT # (do not remove this comment) ##
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permission denied to add current directory to path

I am trying to install NGC CLI on company's Mac following the instructions given here. When I try to run the third command there, which is echo "export ...
Reza Afra's user avatar
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sqlcmd cannot find odbc 17 on MacOS Big Sur

I installed MSSQL per directions here. /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" brew tap microsoft/mssql-release
fbonds66's user avatar
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Preventing Relocated Items shortcut after every update

The Problem My Mac has received a new Relocated Items folder after every OS update since March 8th, 2020. This was around the time I upgraded to Big Sur I think. If I delete the shortcut, it'll just ...
edude123's user avatar
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sudo: setrlimit(8): Invalid argument after switching Mac OS shell from BASH to ZSH

After updating to Mac OS Catalina some months ago, I followed the prompted suggestions and changed my shell from BASH to ZSH. Since that time, whenever I use sudo in Terminal, I get sudo: setrlimit(8)...
Rhecil Codes's user avatar
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cron lacks permissions to run a script

I have a script (which backs up, using rclone) that I can run from the Terminal or Automator after chmod a+x, with no permissions problems. However, when this script is run in cron (or launchd), ...
Joshua Fox's user avatar
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How to create recursive download and rename bash script

I need to make a bash script that will download a image with curl and then rename the file, wait 5 mins and then re-download the file and rename it again so that the new file does not replace the old ...
FloridaGuy's user avatar
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Bash script combine echo say and read

Using a bash script on Mac OS X, how do I combine echo, say and read to make it cleaner and less line of code? The below script works but to me there are too many lines. Thanks a lot for your help. ...
Fabio's user avatar
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How to find the PID(s) of a hung app in macOS from the shell (Terminal)?

Within Activity it's easy to visually identify a hung app by seeing its name in red text: How can such hung app statuses be identified from the shell ( and the PID(s) of ...
ylluminate's user avatar
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What does “Cache location entry for in cache file” error signify in Automator app?

I have written a very basic script to count the number of files in a folder, then if it reaches 16 files, to run an automator workflow, as below: #!/bin/bash cd /Users/barbooths/Projects/...
Martin Plummer's user avatar
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Bash script detect received iMessage along with its contents?

I've been doing some searching around online for an answer to this question and can't seem to find one. My aim is to run a bash script which waits for the arrival of an iMessage from a specific ...
Tom's user avatar
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Automate package installation via shell script for macOS?

I am trying to write a shell script to automate installation of a bunch of dependencies for a project on macOS which will be an equivalent script for the same that works on EL6/EL7 and uses the yum ...
Jashan Singh's user avatar
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Seeking script to add to my automator service to make it reveal newly created item in finder

After much research (I am not familiar with Shell, Bash coding... and only just discovered the magic of Automator and Terminal usefulness), I've created an Automator service that captures a shot of ...
Zuzie's user avatar
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Search Bear notes using `grep` command

With grep, I can search through the content of all the files in a directory, for an instance: grep 'program' *.md searches for the pattern program within the content of all .md files in the current ...
Wizard's user avatar
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How to parse output from diskutil activity in bash script

I want to be able to run a bash script over each line output from diskutil activity", I haven't been able to figure out how to do this though. I thought maybe I could simply: diskutil activity | ...
Xavier Hutchinson's user avatar
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Checking if option is selected under System Preference on Mac

I have an issue with AD binding on Mac. Computer shows its already bind to AD but won't allow domain logins. What I noticed is "Allow network users to log in at login windows" option is grayed out. I ...
Fahed's user avatar
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Change background image through terminal on macOS Sierra

I though of a random python program to take a URL and download the photo, then making it the Desktop background. People have had success with this before, but as of the macOS Sierra update I've been ...
jammehcow's user avatar
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Open an IPA file from the command line

I am using an OSX box to run a bash script to extract an iOS IPA file so that I can use otool and nm to extract details about the app for vulnerability analysis. The ipa files are already decrypted, ...
Bill Sempf's user avatar
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Recognise command and colour it on the terminal?

I was wondering if it's possible to colour a recognised command in real time while typing and/or when switching to previous commands using the arrows. For example, if I start typing gre, it should ...
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Have Apple announced whether the "Shellshock" bash update will be applied automatically via the App Store patching mechanism?

As described here, I'm technically vulnerable to the "Shellshock" bug in my shell. I'm running Mavericks. Apple has released an update to bash that addresses this issue. As per the example test ...
Adam S's user avatar
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What's a way to run an automator/bash/applescript command right when a laptop starts charging and right when it stops being charged?

I'm trying to automate running a background application only when my laptop is charging to save battery. So it will launch when I plug the laptop in, and quit when I take it out.
user1757449's user avatar
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Auto-complete to multiple possible file extensions

(Edit: I suspect this was a better fit for the Unix and Linux stack exchange network -- could someone migrate this over there? Or do I have to make an account over there myself?) I'm converting ...
Eliza Jensen's user avatar
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Does Mac OS X's bash read scripts for all users (tab-completion scripts) from /opt/local/etc/bash_completion.d path?

I stumbled upon some instructions in the book "Pro Git" It suggests: Download this file : If you use the Bash shell, ...
Paweł Brewczynski's user avatar
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Can't open a file in sublime text using bash_rc

My bash_profile function looks like: function st() { /Applications/Sublime\ /Users/ishan/workspace/nltk_engine/;} However, when I do st in terminal, ...
Ishan Jain's user avatar
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Log software usage time on Mac OS 9 (Oct. 1999)

I'm needing to log the time a user spends inside of an application in Mac OS 9. I created a simple bash script "launcher" to do this, but then discovered OS 9 doesn't have bash installed. Here is the ...
John Jacquay's user avatar
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Running an AS droplet from Terminal

I have an Applescript Droplet application that I need to run from terminal. I can use osascript or even just open to open the AS App, but that will run its on run handler, not the on open droplet ...
scohe001's user avatar
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How do I verify the integrity of my OSX installation? (Files, versions, and preferences)

I want to verify the files, and configuration settings for my OSX installation against a known good reference "base". Assuming I have two identical Macs (hardware), with one being factory installed ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
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Copy contents of a smart folder to a new folder in Mountain Lion

I admit that my music collection is a royal mess. This is the result of merging many sources of music (external drive, old iPod sync, iTunes purchases, etc) into my iTunes account. iTunes Match has ...
knipknup's user avatar
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Shell script hangs when run with a shebang line

This didn't used to happen, but now when I try to execute a shell script in my path by name, it just hangs. The script: ~/bin/foo: #!/bin/sh echo this is foo My PATH: /usr/bin:/bin What happens ...
Edward Falk's user avatar
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How to launch docker container from CLI in MacOS (eg `docker run ...`)?

How can I launch a docker container from the command-line in MacOS? In Debian Linux, I can execute the following commands to install docker, launch a new docker container based on the latest version ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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What path is needed to run homebrew cask installed apps from the command line?

I installed Thunderbird using homebrew cask. I am using Intel Processor. /Applications/ -whatever How can I use the command line options of thunderbird on ...
Porcupine's user avatar
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Bash language is incorrect [duplicate]

I'm using Bash 5.1.8 from MacPorts as my shell. For some reason Bash is part French and I can't figure out why. Launching with "Set locale environment variables on startup" ...
miken32's user avatar
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Garbled Terminal output

The text displayed and the cursor on Terminal is very often garbled or 'noisy', and this is across releases for as long as I can remember. That said, it seems worse on Big Sur. Symptoms: Suppose I've ...
Lucky's user avatar
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Add Finder Sidebar Section via Terminal

Is it possible to add a new section to the Finder sidebar? I'm interested in adding a new section to the Finder sidebar, and auto-populating it as part of some personal automation. I understand that ...
Tom J Nowell's user avatar
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Path into PS1 prompt is broken (\n) on different lines when it is too long

I am using iTerm2 on MacOS Catalina . Here is my PS1 into ~/.bashrc , using a function ps1 : function ps1 { # PROMPT SECTION BLUE='\[\033[0;34m\]' LIGHT_CYAN='\[\033[1;36m\]' ...
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Where is system default environment variable set in MAC OS? [duplicate]

I am using macOS High Sierra V10.13.6. I can set up my custom environment variables in .bash_profile. But where is the system default environment variables are stored in the mac system For Ex: If i ...
Parithiban's user avatar
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How can I detect which button was clicked in the DMG EULA confirmation screen

I'm using the open command to automate (via bash) opening a dmg which has a EULA attached to it. When I run open my_app_distribution.dmg I get a screen that looks like this: The open commands uses ...
whowhatwhere's user avatar
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How can I mount Google Drive File Stream before launchd user agents start?

I have a simple backup bash script that dumps the output of pg_dump for a PostgreSQL database into a Google Drive File Stream directory. This bash script is referenced by a launchd user agent. The ...
user260467's user avatar
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Where do I find what's all affecting my $PATH?

When I echo $PATH I get: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Users/arukaj/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/:/Applications/XAMPP/...
AJJ's user avatar
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macOS new logging api (unified logging) log stream

Questions: 1) How can we redirect the log stream from stdin to, for example lnav? Currently, I use bash | (pipe), but I would like to hear if there is a better way to do it - the pipe buffer flow is ...
PJJ's user avatar
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open -g command still opens application in the foreground

When I run the command open -ga /Applications/ the application behaves normally and opens the url in Chrome without bringing the application to the foreground. But ...
I0_ol's user avatar
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could .bash_profile, in theory, be slammed into the iCloud Drive and symlinked? [duplicate]

could .bash_profile in theory be slammed onto iCloud Drive and symlinked from there? I'd love to use the same .bash_profile on every computar. Why this isn't the same as Dropbox - this, if answered, ...
esaruoho's user avatar
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How to make files safe so users can download and OS will not quarantine them?

I work with Axure software that generates dynamic and navigable prototypes in HTML. Once they are done I need to send a ZIP file of those HTML files to clients via e-mail or any download internal ...
Grigs's user avatar
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how to run alias using bash -c from IDEA

I'm trying to run a program defined in an alias (and the alias is defined in a source file) alias myapp="/somepath/app -arg1 -arg2" Then I go to IDEA and create an External Tool Program: Bash ...
alexander.uv's user avatar
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How to share .bash_profile between different users in the same group? [duplicate]

I have searched by google but cannot find a right solution.The scenario is like this: in my mac, there are two users, lets say user1, user2. these two users are in the same group, which is staff ...
Chancy's user avatar
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How do I stop word splitting in bash for loop?

When I run the command below: mdfind -name iMazing I get the following output: /Users/apple/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/iMazing.Versions /Users/apple/Library/Application Support/com....
Nickotine's user avatar
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General commands for getting help and/or documentation for command line utilities in terminal on macOS?

Some command line interfaces or command line utilities give some comprehensive documentation or help when --help is appended to the name of the command, for example git: git --help # shows ...
stevec's user avatar
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Why won't wget work with cron?

I've been using the bashpodder script recently, and while the script works beautifully when I use it in the command line, the crontab I created for it doesn't work at all. It fails when it has to use ...
cholantesh's user avatar
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Using launchd to clear bash history?

Clarification: Am not looking to destroy history, am looking for means to periodically purge it via launchd for security purposes Have been using cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history to clear bash ...
iGuest's user avatar
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Long command in cause a bug

If I am in the last line of and enter a long command, it does not create new line, but instead overwrites the same line. How can I solve this bug?
Rodrigo's user avatar
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