I always put a .vimrc in my home folder for turning :syntax on. But in OS X Lion it seems that sudo vi foo.txt ignore or can't find this vim configuration anymore.

Has anyone experiences the same thing?

3 Answers 3


Try doing sudo visudo and making sure that this lines appears somewhere in there:

Defaults  env_keep += "HOME"

This should maintain the HOME directory and ~ should would as it did in Snow Leopard.


I usually have use the same .vimrc and .vim folders as my main users and link them to a safe backupped place on Dropbox - wich btw is awesome for this kind of task.

The location of the home folder for your su is /var/root. Therefore .vimrc and the .vim folder belong there.

  • Thanks, good idea! :) Would like to mark your answer as correct, too.
    – Dali
    Aug 9, 2011 at 9:47

Try using vim instead of vi. Sometimes the default for "vi" is compatibility mode. Not sure if this is the case with Lion, however.

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