How can I delete a song both from a playlist and the iTunes music library when viewing the playlist in iTunes

I've tried several key combinations with Backspace and Delete (in the Editmenu) is disabled.


1 Answer 1



Alt ⌥ Right Click & you get the option to Delete added to the context menu

enter image description here

Alternatively - press Cmd ⌘ + Alt ⌥ + ← backspace
see Deleting songs on computer from an iTunes playlist

  • Thx also for finding the duplicate question (which I was not aware of). BTW, I am using OS X, so it's Alt-Ctrl Click.
    – Drux
    Jan 19, 2015 at 8:09
  • [alt]/ctrl/click is the same as [alt]/right click for those without a right mouse button. They are functionally identical.
    – Tetsujin
    Jan 19, 2015 at 8:28

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