Does homebrew keep logs, and if so where?

I did a brew update which broke python support in macvim, and now I can't even get macvim to build. I'm hoping that there are some clues in the log.

4 Answers 4



Homebrew creates log files in your Library folder at: ~/Library/Logs/Homebrew/

You can view the log files by holding down Option and using the Finder menu item: Go > Library, then navigating to Logs > Homebrew.

Alternatively, you can use the Console.app application to browse to the log files.

Homebrew History

The default creation of individual log files was added during 2013 to Homebrew.

Homebrew issue #10430 talks about logging and build errors. The issue report mentions no log file is kept but explains that a log can be created with the command format:

brew install <formula> 2>&1 | tee install.log

Logs seem to be in ~/Library/Logs/Homebrew/... They can be viewed either using command line utilities or the Console app.


This works for the normal brew installs, but nothing is logged to these directories for services (for example, if you install bind, nothing is logged to ~/Library/Logs/Homebrew/bind), possibly because you have to start services via sudo.

  • 2
    Would you expect logs for installed packages to be in a sub dir of ~/Library/Logs/Homebrew though? I just looked, and was surprised that 2 packages I've installed do log to there. My first guess would be that packages would log to the "standard" /var/log (or since homebrew works using /usr/local, maybe /usr/local/var/log) Mar 22, 2018 at 18:47

For brew services the logging location is specified in the service's corresponding plist file, using the following tags .e.g.


The location of plist files for active services may be obtained by running:

brew services list

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