This may be an impossible request, but I'm looking for some way, or some software to install, that lets me choose which device I want to type on at a particular moment.

For example: Most of the time I am typing on my iMac. But when a text message comes in, or I want to type a long password on my iPhone, I want to use my apple bluetooth keyboard to type on my iPhone for a bit, and then switch back to typing on my iMac.


3 Answers 3


try ikeyboard in the mac app store


While a device (iMac or iPhone) can have a number of peripherals attached it it, a peripheral can only be attached to one device at a time. So you will need to re-pair it every time.

  • That is a good point. The problem is more with the bluetooth hardware vs. the Mac (or iOS) software. Mar 8, 2012 at 18:58

I just came across this keyboard from Logitech that is a hardware solution to do what you want.

This keyboard is a MAC keyboard that can be programed to switch devices with one button.

  • Thanks, i saw that this morning too and I think I might get it! iKeyboard has been working out well, too. May 30, 2012 at 17:30

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